
Harden Village Council

Harden Village Council is one of 19 town, parish and community councils in the Bradford Metropolitan District Council area.

View the parish boundary map.

The first election of Parish Councillors was held in May 2007. In 2019, the Parish Council decided to change its name to Village Council, as allowed for by the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, in order to make a distinction from an ecclesiastical parish.

The Council is made up of 7 volunteer Councillors who are committed to working for a better Harden, with the assistance of our Clerk. Details of your local Village Councillors. Please do not hesitate to get in touch!


What the Council does

Like other local councils, Harden Village Council aims to work towards improving community well-being and providing better services at a local level. Our activities involve: –

  • representing the local community
  • working to improve quality of life and community well-being

The Village Council is a formal body that has to conform to specific procedures and be publicly accountable.

Councillors attend council meetings to discuss and make decisions about the work of the Council. They also meet local organisations and individual residents to address specific issues, and represent the parish on external bodies.

Local (Parish, Town and Village) Councils form the first tier of local government, Harden Village Council does not replace the statutory responsibilities of Bradford MDC. If you have a query regarding issues such as housing, bin collections, fly-tipping, blocked drains, Council tax, street lights, road maintenance or education, please contact Bradford Metropolitan District Council on 01274 432111 or report your concern on BMDC’s website at www.bradford.gov.uk.


The Council

Harden Village Council meets on a monthly basis. Meetings are held in public, and any member of the public is welcome to attend as an observer. A short period is set aside on the agenda for questions or observations from members of the public.

You’ll find details of all meetings in the events calendar.

Agendas, minutes and other useful reports and documents are in our documents library.


You and the Council

If you have suggestions for your Council, would like to get involved in its work or want to keep in touch, please contact our Clerk, Ken Eastwood.

Join the council’s mailing list by completing this form.

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Harden Village Council

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Small map of Harden Parish Council

This copy has been made by or with the authority of Harden Village Council pursuant to s47 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 unless that act provides a relevant exception to copyright, the copy must not be copied without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Contact Details

Get in touch

By email, contact form or telephone