Councillors & Officers

Contact details and registers of interest. You can also contact the Council using the details on our contact page.


Cllr Richard Smith

Cllr Richard Smith (Chair)


Register of Interests

Councillor Kay Kirkham

Cllr Kay Kirkham (Vice Chair)

01535 275849     Email

Register of Interests

Cllr Falak Ahmed, Harden Village Council

Cllr Falak Ahmed


Register of Interests

Cllr Harriet Carr

Cllr Harriet Carr

07890 639788     Email

Register of Interests

Cllr Haydn Cavanagh

Cllr Haydn Cavanagh


Register of Interests

Cllr Seda Irani

Cllr Seda Irani


Register of Interests

Cllr Louise Vowles


Councillor Responsibilities

Cllr Seda Irani is the lead Councillor on planning matters.

Cllr Haydn Cavanagh is the lead Councillor on the allotments project.

Cllrs Haydn Cavanagh and Richard Smith are members of the Green Action Group.

Members of the public may contact any Councillor about any matter.


Ken Eastwood, Harden Village Council Clerk

Ken Eastwood


07850 049487 Email

Quinten Crossland, Village Warden

Quinten Crossland

Village Warden

07407 812741‬ Email

Contact Details

Get in touch

By email, contact form or telephone