The Parish Council’s latest newsletter covers issues including Neighbourhood Planning, Long Lane speed bumps, Allotments and Councillor Vacancies. The newsletter will be delivered to every household but can also be downloaded here.
In addition to the newsletter, residents will receive a printed Neighbourhood Plan survey. If you would like to help shape the future of Harden please take a few minutes to complete the survey when it arrives (or, since you are here, see the online version below). Your views will make a valuable contribution to producing a plan that reflects and responds to the aspirations of local people, businesses and community groups.
Drop-in Event
If you would like to know more about developing a Neighbourhood Plan, or how you can get involved, come and chat to us on Saturday 29th September 2018 at 11am to 3pm in Harden Memorial Hall.
If you would like to be kept up to date on development of the Neighbourhood Plan, or to express interest in joining the Project Team, please register your details using this form.
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