
Harden Village Council is embarking on development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Harden. Approval has been granted by Bradford Council, Planning Consultants have been appointed and a grant application has just been approved. The Village Council is hoping to engage and involve residents, who can sign-up for updates below.

Background & Details

Following agreement to proceed with the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Harden, Bradford Council approved the Village Council’s application for designation of a Neighbourhood Area in August 2017 (approval letter here).

The Village Council recently went out to tender to engage a planning consultancy to help with the project. A statement of requirements was drafted which gives an indication of the work planned. Four firms were invited to tender and we were pleased to select Integreat Plus, a not for profit social enterprise with experience and expertise in neighbourhood planning.

More details about Integreat Plus and their proposals can be found in this overview presentation.

This graphic also outlines the journey involved with the development of a Neighbourhood Plan (click to view).

The Village Council has applied for financial support from the Government to cover the costs involved and our grant application for 2018/19 has just been approved.

The next steps will be to call a public meeting, probably in September now, to ensure as many people as possible are able to attend. Integreat Plus will give a presentation and lead a discussion on the process. Neighbourhood Planning must encompass community input and we are really keen to engage widely. We will also be looking for interested and enthusiastic volunteers to join a small Project Team, which will probably meet 6-weekly over the next 18 to 24 months.


If you would like to be kept up to date on development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Harden, or to express interest in joining the Project Team, please register your details using this form.

Credits: Images kindly provided by Locality.