The Parish Council has commissioned a Garden Designer to design new planting schemes for the raised beds in the village and for planting behind the War Memorial.
Planting is taking place in stages, with the Post Office raised beds planted out first.
Description of the Scheme (Raised Beds)
A range of low growing shrubs and perennials to provide continued seasonal interest and year-round structure. Shrubs and perennials to be low mound forming to maintain visibility, and a small tree either side will provide vertical interest, without obscuring views.
The planting design for the post office beds provides a low maintenance alternative to annual bedding. The palette of plant colours will offer year round interest with most of the plants offering several months of structure, flower and autumn colour. This combination of perennials will work well together and their coverage of the soil will help reduce the need for frequent weeding. All the plants are hardy and will cope well as part of a public planting scheme.
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Description of the Scheme (Memorial Garden)
A range of plants which have associations with remembrance to suit the setting of the war memorial, with a bold colour choice of red foliage and flowers with a link to the remembrance poppy.
Permanent planting of bright scarlet ground cover landscape roses, underplanted with the perennial ‘forget me not’ and spring bulbs to give a flush of earlier spring interest and flanked by evergreen rosemary to offer aromatic foliage and summer blue flowers.
Shrub planting around boundary wall to add interest. Hardy variegated hollies next to the church wall, with Camellia, Photina Red Robin and Azaleas for flowering and foliage interest.
Bulb planting will take place later in 2017, hopefully with the help of volunteers. If you would like to be involved please let us know here.
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